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Cultism Group Badoo:3 Suspects arrested in Gbajimba, Guma LGA, Benue state, Nigeria.

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Badoo is a dangerous Cultism group in Nigeria. According to reports more than 800 people have been killed in Nigeria this year 2017 by the Notorious group, it is alarming in  Ikorodu area in Lagos. A recent happening in Benue State,1st of July,2017. 3 suspected Badoo cultist members were arrested by the Gjambiba Police Force.
Charlie aka Smile,who is a native in Gbajimba village narrated  the story to Infancy Happy's Blog (IHB). What we gather, the main suspect whose only name we got as Fonki, called the victim by name (Bird-Man) at the Gbajimba market square, immediately he arrived to meet with Fonki, in a tinkle of an eye, 10 others cultist members join Fonki and started beating the victim with Cutlass and axe,the population intervened thinking it was a fight,the matter was immediately reported to the Vigilante joint force office when a second fight break out between cult members and the Vigilante,Gbajimba Police arrived the scene and succeeded to arrest 3 members while 7 fled away. It is important to know that, all the 10 members are lives in Gbajimba Guma LGA Benue State and those arrested identify many other suspects, Investigation  is still going on by the Police, more on this story will be publish as soon as we succeed to gather more headlines.
The photo on this article is a citation of Badoo suspect in Ikorodu, Lagos area for demonstration purposes only and does not reflect this case.

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