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3 Nigerian Young boys "Graduated from primary School Today"

From left to right: From left to right: Zaga Orseer, Kumaga Francis & Tsenongu Aondongu Tsenongu 

Cornerstone Progressive Nursery/Primary School (CPNPS) Gbajimba , Benue State in Nigeria today graduated final year pupils from Primary school.This young boys are happy to be the 28th Batch of graduated pupils today  ( 18th of July,2017)
Following an exclusive interview with them by Infancy Happy's Blog
Tsenongu Aondongu told us that; today is the most happiest day in his life which mark the end of primary education and grant him access to begin Junior Secondary School (JSS 1)  next academy year to begin in September, 2017.
While Zaga Orseer, said "I am very happy to complete my primary education today which will enable me to enroll to secondary school next academy year and Kumaga Francis said; I am so much happy because I have graduated today which is a wonderful thing in my life.

From all of us at IHB, Congratulation to the boys and let your light so shine in the world.

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Infancy Happy, is a year older. She celebrated her birthday in NYSC Oreination Camp Jalingo in Taraba State Nigeria. May God bless you ...

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