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A Cameroonian Man dies 3 days to his wedding day.

A  Cameroonian man identified as Sorel died just three days to his wedding. Soo, as he was fondly called, was set to wed his fiance and mother of his child on Saturday, July 8th. Details surrounding his death are still sketchy. However, it seems he died on Wednesday, just 3 days to his wedding. Shocked friends and family member have been mourning him on Facebook. Read more after the cut.
A  Cameroonian man identified as Sorel died just three days to his wedding. Soo, as he was fondly called, was set to wed his fiance and mother of his child on Saturday, July 8th. Details surrounding his death are still sketchy. However, it seems he died on Wednesday, just 3 days to his wedding. Shocked friends and family member have been mourning him on Facebook. Read more after the cut.

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